Wanaka Natural Health Collective supports covid care and adverse events treatments.
Voices For Freedom A nationwide support group focused on the health, wellbeing and freedom of choice and speech for all. Join the local Wanaka group to meet like minded people and find support.
Wanaka Health Bridge. Wanaka Health Bridge gives sound advice on healthcare for Covid prevention and symptomatic care.
NZDSOS. New Zealand Doctors Speaking out with Science. This is a growing group of medical professionals dedicated and focused on increasing public awareness with truth and integrity about the current health crisis created by the pLandemic along with providing solutions.
C19Science. An excellent resource of science based research.
Other Alliances – New Zealand and Global This is a comprehensive list of many other Organisations that support the health and freedom of all people along with invaluable information for health support, detox and recovery.
Stop World Control. A comprehensive website of up to date global information regarding the pLandemic and beyond.